Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blogging on my Mom's Day Out!

Hello, my wonderful readers! I would like to tell both of you Happy Thursday!

It's fairly obvious that I'm a Democrat; in fact, I'm pretty sure I've pretty much told anyone who's ever asked. But there's a Republican woman at whom I would LOVE to throw staplers, or anything else made of metal; Ann Coulter. This woman is the most inflammatory, offensive person I think I have ever seen...and I've been to OU/Texas! I obviously disagree with her on a policy level, but oh man, if she is supposed to be the spokesperson for the Christian right? That is TERRIFYING. Many videos of her exist online, but this is the most recent that I've seen, mostly because I avoid Fox News. She goes on The View to promote her latest liberal hate crime, and the best part is at the end when Whoopi gets her!

Okay, on to things that hopefully won't offend... My husband and I are looking for a new bed. I have major back problems (three surgeries in three years), and my bed just isn't working for me anymore. We've gone to the Sleep Number Bed store and tried it, and I think it will work, but $2500 for a bed is so expensive! Does anyone know of a bed you've tried that you think would work for someone with back issues? I like a semi-firm mattress, but it has to be soft at the same time, to keep the pressure points at a minimum.

So, we are getting down to the wire with Mike's job, which is scheduled to be completed on Febuary 21st. We still have NO idea where we will be going next; we've heard Georgia, South Carolina, and possibly Florida. But the one that scares us the most is Louisiana! We both have NO interest in living there, but unfortunately, we may not have a choice. We tried to find a job here in Little Rock, so we could stay, but so far, no luck. It's getting scarier by the day, but we are trusting in God to put us in the place He wants us.

That's it for now...I have to go work on Roman's Valentines for his class party, and get ready to pick him up from school at 2. Hope everyone is having a great day! It's almost the weekend!

Love, T.

1 comment:

valerie said...

I don't argue politics. It all drives me crazy!

Sorry, I don't have much advise on a bed that'd be good for your back. There are surely some cheaper than the one you looked at. I bet you can try some out. I was wondering how your back is doing these days? How was it during your pregnancy?

I'm keeping you and Mike in my prayers regarding his job situation. It'll all work out.

Have a good week!