October 14th was my 2 year anniversary with my wonderful husband! Mike has already blogged about what we did on our special day
here, so I thought I would just talk about our wedding day memories instead.
We had been dating for three years, when we decided to get married. It was a pretty low key decision, and because we wanted to get married in the fall, my favorite season, we only had a few weeks to plan! We had always been interested in a glass cathedral in Eureka Springs, so the same weekend we decided to get married, we took a little trip to visit the town and the cathedral to make sure that was what we wanted. Sure enough, we had a great time; Eureka is SOOO charming, and the church was absolutely gorgeous! We checked on availabilities, and it turned out that the only available date was just over six weeks away! That didn't leave us a lot of time, but it felt so right, that we didn't care. I booked the church, then Grandma and I went back to Eureka a few weekends later, to check out reception sites, photographers, florists, and a baker! Once those were taken care of, I found a dress, Mike found a tux, and I printed all our invitations on my home printer. I had to tie bows on every single one, so that took awhile, but believe it or not, we all pulled it off in time!
We picked out the rings (I actually didn't want a wedding band, just the one ring, but I didn't even get that until the night before the wedding, so I didn't wear it until I was married!), and my sister Lindsey and I headed off to Eureka two days before the wedding so we could be there in case something needed to be done.
Of course, everything went off without a hitch...well, except one. My sister, bless her heart, was supposed to have brought Mike's ring to the church, but she forgot it back at the honeymoon cottage! She didn't realize it until during the wedding, when she frantically tried to find a replacement ring for me to slip on Mike's finger! I ended up putting another of Mike's ring's that he wore on the other hand, on his ring finger. My aunt Glenna went to the cottage to get the ring after the ceremony, so he could wear it for the reception. It was extremely stressful, and I was so disappointed, but things happen, and everything turned out all right in the end!
We had a beautiful reception in an old hotel in downtown Eureka. We danced, ate, and had a lovely time visiting with our friends and family that made it down. All in all, it was a beautiful wedding, but more importantly, I have a WONDERFUL marriage, and isn't that the point?! I love you baby. Happy Anniversary!!!
Here are some of my favorite photographs from our wedding day.

My sister Lindsey and I, Charlie's Angel style!

My dress.

My amazing grandmother.

My sister and matron of honor!

My handsome soon-to-be hubby cheesing it up!

Mike and his best man, Jason.

Thorncrown Chapel. Isn't it amazing? If you look closely, you can see us at the front of the church getting hitched.

Our flower girl, Kayden. She is so precious!

Walking to the church. What a beautiful and exhilarating walk that was! I was so excited!

Daddy's Girl forever!

There's no turning back now!

It's official!!!

Us waiting to go into the reception...Glenna had just given Mike his ring. He's putting it on in the photo!

I love this picture...we look so happy!

About to walk in the reception hall as man and wife!

Our first dance.


My cake was gorgeous, but even better, it was THE BEST cake I had ever eaten. If you are ever in Eureka and need a cake, email me and I'll hook you up with this guy! Ours was red velvet, chocolate and lemon.

Dancing with daddy!

Mom and myself.

Amy and Ryan, friends from college.

Lindsey's son Kolton, and our ring-bearer.

My brother Ryan. He's special. :-)

Chris and Shelley (my cousin) and their beautiful daughter Jordyn!

Mike doing the "man dance".

Dancing with the girls.

Our bubbly exit!

I love looking back and remembering this day. What a lucky girl I am!!!
Love, T.