This is behind BathHouse Row on Central. That white building is an old bath house and spa.
We think Roman looks like a rabbit in this one!
He can't say many words, but he talks back with baby talk!!!
Sitting in front of one of the "hot springs". The steam was making my back sweat!
We are trying to teach him the word "hot". This was a great example!
My handsome little man, running around in the park.
Thirty pounds of stink!
Thirty pounds of sweet!
Horsing around behind BathHouse Row.
Checking out a courtyard park in downtown Hot Springs.
He always has at least one car in his hands!
Here Roman is at the mall. He almost fell out of the fire truck when it started moving! I know I'm biased, but isn't he the cutest thing??
This is my dad's motorcycle. Mike's dad had one all through his growing up years, so he knows how to ride one. He only killed it once! :-)
Roman and PaPa playing at the park.
Pushing the stroller.
Walking around by Lake Catherine.
Throwing rocks in the lake. Roman would just laugh and laugh when they plopped in!
Cousin Blake, being such a good Roman-sitter!
Yup, he is ALWAYS talking!
Every year, we go to a seafood restaurant that sits right on Lake Hamilton, Fisherman's Wharf. We always sit outside, and this year, it was raining. The rain sounded so wonderful beating on the metal roof; it was such a neat atmosphere. Here's Blake and myself by the water.
Pa-Pa and Roman.
Some of the fam at our table.
This little duck was taking the brunt of the rainstorm, and was just hanging out, waiting for table scraps!
Blake has always been obsessed with cars, and Roman is following very closely in his footsteps! Blake set up all of Roman's small cars and then took Mater and Lightning(thanks Kris!), and wound them up until they smashed all the small cars, and made them fly in all directions! Blake thought it was pretty cool, and Roman has now learned that he can use his cars to destroy things. Greeeaaaaat. Thanks, B!
Okay, after a million pictures, I'll just say that we had a great time. It was so good to see all my family, and get to spend some time with them. It ended too quickly for my tastes!
Love, T.
That little man of yours is TOO adorbale!!! What a fun time with the fam!
Blake is huge, when did he grow up? I still remember him being a cute little kid with glasses!
Thanks for sharing the pics! I think it's so cool you guys get together every year!
Roman is the cutest little thing!
You can say it coz it's true.
What great pictures and what great memories. I feel like I'm a part of your family. I've watched you grow up and now it's just so sweet to see you being the precious little mommy you are.
What fun....the hot springs, the park, the seafood, the rain, the family time, watching Blake & Roman play cars....
I'm glad all of you were able to have such a nice trip.
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