I started Roman's book for his first year. Here is the Front of the Album.
And here is his first page.
I also scrapped a page for my 2008 album of just a couple of pics of Nat and I.
I have only been scrapping since we moved to Arkansas. My cousin Marna always tried to get me into it, but I never really had the time or interest. However, before I got married, my grandmother had bought me one of those pre-made scrapbook wedding albums, where you just plug in the pictures, and I loved the look of it, so I decided that I would give it a try. Here are the first two pages that I created. I didn't use the right glue on the first page, so the pictures are all lumpy, but here they are. It was all about Roman's first trip to the zoo.
There is a lot of blank space on the second page, because at that point, I didn't really know what I was doing, and I had NO embellishments to add, just leftovers from Roman's birthday invitations. They aren't the greatest, but they will always be special because they were the first!
Shortly after trying this, I decided to make father's day cards for all the men in our lives. Here are a couple of them.
I've never been very artsy-fartsy, but I really enjoy scrapping the thousands of pictures that I have taken! Cards aren't quite as fun, but I could get lost in the paper aisle at Hobby Lobby!!! Does anyone else scrap? I'd love to see your stuff!
I've never been "artsy-fartsy" either. ;) After my parents 50th wedding anniversary almost 4 years ago I bought stuff to do a little book & the stuff is still in a sack somewhere. I'm terrible.
I love your scrapbook though and I can see me trying it out one of these days.
You are doing a great job...it's very cute. I think it's a very special way to document pictures and fun times. What a treasure it will be for years to come.
Cute page of you and Nat too!
Okay lady..I am super impressed with you right now!! I think you could totally sell those cards...Hallmark who? :)
No really, you work looks awesome!
Good job!
I went to a party some years back. Bought the whole thing, bag and all. Brought it home and have never opened it up. :( I had good intentions, though.
This looks like a bunch of crop - You do good crop!
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