Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Am I just old, or are they really pathetic?

So, I've known that the former NKOTB were making a comeback, but I hadn't seen any proof until 'The View' this morning. Did anyone see this? Five guys in their early to late 30's did an interview with an over-exuberant Elisabeth and Sherri, and told what they had all been doing in the FIFTEEN YEARS since they broke up. First of all, fifteen years? What in the world prompted them to think that their previous 14 year old fans (who are now 30, natch), would still be interested in the hip gyrating from MEN who have about 10 kids between them??? Of course, being a HUGE NKOTB fan back in my teen years, I had to watch them perform in order to really evaluate how effective their comeback was going to be. After watching them perform their new single "Single" (har har), I have to admit, I was embarrassed for them! Not only was it lame, it was LLLLAAAAMMMEEE. My teen idol, Joey Joe, was off-key, and Donnie, who I love in movies, was a wannabe rapper, rapping lyrics about attracting girls to his studly single self. Hellooooo, you're 40! Well, I gritted my teeth and kept watching, thinking that at least they were going to sing one of their old hits, "Step By Step". Oh. My. Gosh. Awful. Off-key, didn't even SOUND like the original. I was severely disappointed. Needless to say, the moral of the story is LEAVE IT IN YOUR PAST. Now I have to go take a shower. Ick. RIP New Kids.

1 comment:

JMBMOMMY said...

I haven't seen it...but can only imagine how silly! But on the memories that brings back!